44 — The DogI don’t often get a good photo of the dog. The black fur can be difficult to capture correctly. This time I took an exposure off of her…3d ago3d ago
42 — CorksI believe I previously mentioned having a bucket of corks. I’ve collected them through the year thinking that I’d make something from them…3d ago3d ago
39 — Light BulbThis is a single light bulb from the string of lights hung above our deck. I was given a 75–300 lens and wanted to try it out.3d ago3d ago
38 — FlamesFlames from a candle. This was taken with the macro lens so that I could get in close and isolate the flame.3d ago3d ago
37 — SunriseMy office window faces East. It’s amazing the colors that are produced as part of a sunrise.3d ago3d ago